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This website makes use of cookies. Continuing navigation implicitly accepts their use. Euro 1,500,000 Int. Realizzazione e gestione tecnica del sito a cura di. Grafica, design e comunicazione.
Our mission is to help every livestock farmer make sure their animals remain healthy, wherever they may be in the world. Kepro supplies veterinary pharmaceuticals for preventing and solving health problems with animals. We offer added value to our clients thanks to constant development of products and services and the application of our knowledge and skills.
See how our expertise, experience and exceptional attention to your needs can cut costs and improve performance. See how our custom-tailored services help your members and your ROI. Watch our video to see solutions for healthier outcomes and ROI. Learn more about our fully customizable services. Please describe KEPRO data security that ensures member information is protected.
HME Ngoprek edisi power kali ini bertemakan mini stun gun. Peserta kebanyakan berasal dari jurusan elektro dan angkatan 2013. Acara diawali dengan penjelasan singkat tentang cara kerja dan komponen-komponen pada stun gun lalu para peserta diberikan satu set peralatan solder dan juga bahan-bahan dari komponen IC,resistor,kapasitor,trafo sampai PCB dot matriks.
Sebuah sinergi keprofesian, akademik, dan pengabdian masyarakat. Salah satu metode yang kita kenal dan terkenal di jagat keilmuan geofisika adalah Metode Seismik. Banyak yang tahu, bahwa metode ini digolongkan menjadi dua, yaitu Seismik Refraksi. Pada tahapan ini, akan banyak memerlukan kekuatan para ilmuwan yang .
perlu diinformasikan bahwa proposal yang akan didanai sebanyak 7000 proposal, masing-masing maksimal 10.